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RS Checker Pattern#


Creates a material with a custom checker pattern texture (texture map size is 1K).
Useful to check if UVs are properly unfolded, oriented and equal in size.





Maya 2019 2020 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

How to install#

  1. Extract RS_Checker_Pattern.pyc from (depending on your Maya Version)

  2. Copy RS_Checker_Pattern.pyc and UVCheckerPattern_1K.tga to :

  3. Launch / Restart Maya

  4. In Maya, open a Python Tab in the Script Editor and execute :

    import RS_Checker_Pattern as RSCP


    Please make sure that there are no Space characters in front of each code line.



Tool Menu#


The Tool menu is located in the top right corner of the toolkit.

  1. Up arrow closes all tabs

  2. Down arrow opens all tabs

  3. The Screenshot icon opens a new window with information about the tool

Help Line#

  1. The Help Line, along the bottom left of the Maya user interface, provides a short description of tools and menu items when the cursor hovers over them.
Enable Help Line
  1. Go to Windows > UI Elements
  2. Check Help Line

Checker Pattern#

How to use

  1. LMB 1 click on Create / Del creates the shader
    1. MMB 2 click on Create / Del deletes the shader
  2. Select one or multiple objects
  3. LMB 1 click on Un / Assign assigns the shader
    1. MMB 2 click on Un / Assign unassigns the shader
  4. Set a texture size
    • 1k
    • 2k
    • 4k
    • 8k
    • 16k
    • 32k


  1. LMB - Left Mouse Button 

  2. MMB - Middle Mouse Button